Title: Story of he Fallen (2/?) | pairing: donghae x hyukjae | genre: au, action, angst, romance | rating: r-13 |summary: hyukjae is in search of the fallen, the fallen is in search of his existence.
Title: Story of the Fallen (part 1) | pairing: donghae x hyukjae | genre: au, angst | rating: pg-13| summary: hyukjae is in search of the fallen, the fallen is in search of his identity.
Title: Story of the Fallen | pairing: donghae x hyukjae | genre: au, angst | rating: pg-13| summary: hyukjae is in search of the fallen, the fallen is in search of his identity.
Title: as if love is mute |pairing: donghae/eunhyuk | rating: pg-13 |genre: romance, angst, fluff? | summary: “But our love is like the wind, I can’t see it but I can feel it.” | disclaimer: au, characters are not mine.